This New Moon
My new moon wish: One word, “Abundance”.
I wish for as much flow as is good for me, in creative and self expression, in my writing, in inspiration, in insights and wisdom needed for my growth and maturity, in releasing and receiving what ought to be, in exchange and renewal of energy in my whole being, in balancing the masculine and feminine, in balancing income and debt, in trust and in gratitude.
The new moon in Capricorn, though, is about quite different topics than what my wish is above. My nature is such that I would rather open the floodgates than hold them closed, if I had a choice. Typical for me, my illnesses have usually been caused by my forcing myself to close up, out of fear, in compensation. Going against my nature has never served me well, that much I’ve learned. I look at Capricorn key words like aging, security, discipline, responsibility, goals, success, recognition, management skills, authority figures, and controlling behaviour, and I feel my gut tighten up. I fear these words because I believe they are my Achilles’ heel, my weakness. Because I resist accepting they are part of life, that they are as necessary as their counterparts/opposites.
But, if I see them as stones, all the different stones that are needed to create boundary of form, to anchor other elements of less integrity/solidity though no less important to the whole picture, then all of a sudden I can accept with ease that they are necessary for the whole of existence, of meaning, of cohesiveness in the web that holds us all together.
So, to continue my ongoing ‘Ode to Stones’: I love stones also because they are so very solid, substantial, and enduringly so. Thank you so much, my astute and quiet friends, for this very healing insight.
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