Thursday, November 25, 2010

Life As A Circle

Life is endless because it is beginningless.
There is only continuation. So why
worry about extinction, or annihilation?
Something is gone, ten other things take its place.
For every species we believe to disappear
every year, how many are found? Life
always replenishes and recycles itself.

There is no less beauty in the world
than 100 or 1000 years ago, if only
we open ourselves to it. But life
and beauty constantly change, and it is
change that we have problems with.
It is this fear of change that have us
clinging to what was, to what
we’ve always expected.
We can’t let go of the old,
we can’t bring in the new,
we literally can’t see it
because our mind is closed
to it, screwed shut with fear.

Go home, stay inside,
do your own work,
and be that light
unto yourself.


Be the doorway, not the door
Be the opening that only receives,
Be nothing
but the passageway,
the vehicle, the
vessel for the All.

I remember when my parents first found out about my decision to divorce. They came storming into my house, and my father asked me why I have to do this? I said I wanted happiness. What happiness? Life is not about happiness! My mother screamed into my face.

So it’s been 10 years now since my declaration, and a 10 year journey of my pursuit of happiness. In that time I have become happier overall, at least by my own estimation, but it is only just now that I understood why happiness has always seems so elusive.

Because of 3 things:

There is no cause for happiness.
There is no practice for happiness.
Happiness can only be allowed, it is already there in us.

In this light, I see happiness is the same as creativity. It is already there in each of us, no need to pursue it or make it happen, nor can we get it through work or practice.

Lately, every road I go down seems to come eventually to the same place, of stillness, of surrender.


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