Tuesday, February 15, 2011

New Adventures in Zen Living

I’ve been trying out recipés in the last couple of weeks, ever since our last domestic eruption and resolution (admittedly a near dissolution) over household responsibilities. So far so good, as M has been mindful of doing his share. I have decided to integrate more of a Zen attitude about how I do chores, my state of mind and attention when I do them. I used to tell myself, if I have to do them I might as well enjoy them. Now I feel it can be more than that, better than that. The enjoyment can be from a deeper place, bubbling up like a ceaseless spring with an effortless ease. Effortless, and inexhaustible. That’s how it can be, and that’s how it has been. Now I put on my favourite music of the moment, and I dust, or mop, or cook. I sing or dance along with the music, I appreciate the beauty of cleanliness as I go, and I give thanks for the bonus gift of physical exercise if I actually work up a sweat. This has changed the way I feel and do chores entirely. I am giving myself an ‘A’ on Zen-housekeeping, so there. Zen can be fun, who knew?!!

So far I’ve made a roast, red lentil stew, Tex-Mex Corn Chowder, chicken and bean cassoulet (except I used chick peas), and astonishingly, all of them have turned out quite to my own satisfaction, and M’s taste approval. This is no small spuds for those of us who disdained cooking as a waste of time. We are eating healthier and at better times, and it’s been easier on the budget too. I knew I collected these recipés all these years for a reason (ha!)

I think about how I used to resent mightily the time, energy, and focus doing chores took away from me, when I would rather be reading or learning or sleeping even, and I can’t quite remember why I hated and resisted it so much, why I couldn’t find joy in it. It was the same even after I quit my job and had supposedly all the time in the world. This change that’s come about is like I finally found the switch and decided to flip it, from OFF to ZEN.

Next culinary Zen adventures: Stir Fry with Orange Ginger Balsamic Sauce, and Balsamic Glazed Fish Fillets.


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