"Today people seem to be sprouting wings. There are no apparent barriers that science and technology cannot overcome. Yet war, fear and environmental catastrophe are multiplying. We have wings, but where are our roots.
The family is the ground in which we take root. If we deny, discount or overlook these roots, the wings that we grow will be weak. Family constellation work is a way to discover these roots and to free them from that which weakens or binds them. Only then can the strength of the roots flow into the wings. Bert Hellinger, who developed the Family Constellation in the form presented, summed up his experience in this matter:
When the family is brought into order, an individual from that family can leave the nest. He feels the power of the family behind him. Only when the connection to the family is recognized and the responsibilities are taken up by the appropriate members, does the individual feel free of burden. Each can go his own way, without the past burdening him and tying him down."
~ Bertold Ulsamer in his book "The Healing Power of the Past" (foreword)