Why Guided Self Healing is my favourite way to heal
My very first experience with GSH was about 3 years ago with my friend Marla, who asked me to be her guinea pig. I was struggling with some issues with client-therapist relationship at the time, so I volunteered myself. If I expected anything it was that it would be much like BodyTalk which I had trained in, that they shared the same concept of accessing the body’s wisdom beyond the conscious mind, and both modalities use muscle testing as a mean of accesing this information. What I did not expect was where it was to take me in the session: a past life; in fact, 10 years before this life time.
I had a sketchy idea of past life, reincarnation, karma and the like, not enough to be a believer or a skeptic on the subject. In retrospect I see this is the best way to be. The ‘story’ began as an image I saw in my mind’s eye, and unfolded into a whole narrative of my past life. As the scenes came to me, the conscious part of me observed and was amazed. There was a cohesiveness to the story and the deep resonance I felt with many of the details – things that only I knew as thoughts to myself – and the persistent question in the background: where is this coming from? me?? It seemd too fantastical that my mind could have made up a story so coherent on the spot. And the sense of familiarity was on a level that having someone else tell you your past life story could not have produced. It struck places deep inside me.
I understood why I had always felt it my mission to ‘save’ those in need, even if they did not feel the need themselves. That I came into this life carrying the archetype of the Saviour, who had failed his (I was male in that previous life) task to save those in his charge, and is still beating myself up with that torch I’ve been carrying. It never occurred to me that I was compelled by something bigger than myself.
I saw how my past life story led me to ‘choose’ a father who I always felt I had to rescue, ever since I was a child, and men came into my life that had the same ‘need’. I saw also how the thread of physical predisposition is continued into this life, karmically from that lifetime, and genealogically through my bloodline.
There were many more connections like these that lit up this inner journey along the way, and in the end a portal was opened inside me. I suppose it was there all along, but I just hadn’t gone and investigated until then.
I don’t recall the intervention we did, but I felt as if a big piece of myself had been put back in place; a part of me I had forgotten had been re-membered, and suddenly I felt more whole.
Since then I’ve become a GSH practitioner myself, and my life has become a fast track of the re-gathering and healing of the parts of myself (and Self), on various levels and dimensions. I’ve also integrated other practices in my repertoir into it (homeopathy, energy work, shamanic practices, etc.) so that there’s an even broader scope of healing. Personally, it has been wonderfully comforting to know that whatever issue or obstacle I may have to confront, I’ve always got a way to safely address and resolve it.
Every session takes me on a journey of discovery, depth of understanding of the larger picture, and a new place of profound insight, forgiveness, compassion and surrender. These were more or less intellectual concepts to me until I experience them through my body. And always, there comes at the end a deep, deep peace and joy that somehow manage to rock my world every time, and make it better.
I could go on and on, but I know that words do not capture all the richness this is. So I hope it suffices to say, this is why Guided Self Healing is my favourite way to heal.