As I was drifting off last night I noticed a tiny tension that seemed to cover my whole upper body. Upon probing I realized that it was something ‘left-over’ from the dreamwork I had done earlier. (see entry for yesterday below) It was a feeling of smallness, that I had been made to feel small. Immediately I thought, don’t act like a victim, no one made you small, you chose to feel small! But then I also heard, in that plaintive voice of my Inner Judge, the small child who was a victim, who did not have a choice, whose need is my focus as well as my healing now, for I have the freedom of choice now as an adult, and I know how to ask for the help I need.
So I threw this feeling of smallness, part of my self-consciousness, my inferiority and vulnerability, into the same pot to be looked after by the Great Feminine, the Goddess that is Neptune, when she brings me her boundless love. This time I will be ready to receive it.
DREAM that I was carrying Nemo in my arms, his usual huge heftiness, and looking for my car at the same time. I had forgotten where I parked my car, and now going up and down stairs looking for it. The stairs, railings and even the floors seemed all to be made of painted white metal, like in a ship or an industrial place, lit with artificial light. Suddenly, I realized that I was already on a train, and I woke up.
Could this be the dream Neptune had sent me in answer to my request for the unconditional love of Mother??
Nemo is the animal instinct and drive of my feminine, which I appeared to have in hand. But this is the second dream I’ve had in a row about my car, and parking. My car is my personal drive and motivation, what gets me to where I want to go and where I think I need to go, which is not always where I really ought to go. Anyway, I’ve parked it, which means I’ve stopped my relentless driving at least, unlike what I was doing in yesterday’s dream: pushing to get it where I wanted to go, and nothing better stand in my way!!
But I’ve lost my way to it, my sense of direction failing me (as it often does in waking life when I’m driving in unfamiliar surroundings – is this the disorientation that Caroline Casey described as a symptom of not embracing Neptune in one’s life – of being ‘lost at sea’??) It’s as if I leave my car – my drive/motivation, I lose connection to it. As if I only know how to use my car to get what I want, in an aggressive, go-getter way for the sole purpose of fulfilling my ambition, but never to just cruise the countryside and watch the scenery, or casually going to get grocery or pay a visit to the museum. My bond with my car is through speed and rage, blood we’ve shed in battles we’ve been in together. It sounds bizarre to me that this is really how I feel and relate to my car deep down, but it also rings darkly true.
So my car is part of my masculine drive, but one not in balance at present, because I’ve learned only how to go forward, step on the gas, and charge ahead like a raging bull. And God knows the irony of how repulsive I find the image of the raging bull, with its stench of testosterone and machismo, men and bull alike. Yet it is very much a part of me, of my conditioning on how to survive in the world out there, where everyone strives to be the Man of the Hour, or the Month, or the Year, in the artificial, white-washed, industrial-strength battleground we call the workplace.
Interesting how a masculine drive out of whack needs the motherly touch of the feminine to temper it. Let the yin flow gently into the yang…
But even as I became preoccupied by the search for my car, my masculine drive, it struck me all of a sudden that I was inside a train, an even greater drive, the one that drives the collective, so that even if I find my car, I can only go where the train is going anyway, unless I get off the train… And get off the train I must, if I am to go where I am meant to go, according to divine will.
So I invite the Great Feminine and the feminine in me to continue to hold and heal and nurture my child masculine, teach him how to walk the Middle Way where no brute force is necessary, where he is never left lost and alone to face adversity.
Still, I am left in a quandary about how to get off the train, and it seems to me that I’ll need both my feminine and masculine together to accomplish this. But how do I get my car off, even if I do find it? The realization came to me then, that I don’t need my car where I’m going. But isn’t it part of my masculine? No, it’s just a symbol of it that I’ve become attached to, not much more than a status symbol. Okay, so I don’t need my car anymore (deep breaths, I am actually quite attached to my car still), I let go of my attachment to it and all that it means to me. (Is this why I lost my car keys??)
I need to reach deeper within myself for my true masculine drive, and nurture it into maturity.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
DREAM that I am driving my car and could not go any further because I’ve come to a turn into the alley where I needed to go to get home. A blue stationwagon-like car was blocking the entry. There was a note on the car with the name and number from the owner, so I called the number but there was no answer. I am getting more and more incensed by the minute. Other people may have come by and left, I’m not sure now. I tried calling again and this time a woman picked up. She answered as if it is a business, because it is the garage shop just to the right of where I was, and said her name was Jennifer (my undercover name). For some reason I had put the phone (a circular device the size of a pingpong ball) into a glass jar just big enough to fit it, and I could not listen and speak without having to move the piece from my ear to my mouth in turn. I told her that her car was blocking my way and she must come and move it NOW. I was livid. She started to explain that someone had told her it was okay, but I knew this already from her note so I cut her off and yelled some more. In the back of my mind I am thinking that there was lots of space behind her car, so why did she have to block the entrance in front? I was so angry I woke up…
I had asked Neptune to send me a dream last night before sleep, after reading Caroline Casey’s description of Neptune. She mentioned also that anomie is a loss of self, some of the symptoms being disorientation and lack of focus and/or sense of purpose. I asked Neptune then, to tell me what I need to know about this, so perhaps this dream is in answer to that… certainly it has to do with my reflections on the story in the novel above, even though it seemed merely co-incidental that I read the blurb within an hour of waking up this morning…
The light in the dream was not exactly bright, so this is stuff a bit below my consciousness… I was feeling very purposeful driving my car, knowing without doubt where I was going, just minutes away from getting to my parking space, then home free, even though the back alley I had to go down did look like a totally dark tunnel in the dream, and the walls looked like interior walls which may have been blue like the car that was blocking me… so, interior or personal issue on the emotional level that is at least somewhat unconscious in me, co-starring my ever-faithful shadow, thinly disguised as Jennifer the elusive one…
Now that I am pushed to it, I’ll admit that I did think that I was on the last stretch, of which part of my journey I can’t say, perhaps the part of rebuilding my selfhood so that I can go back out there into the world again. Well, if it really is the last stretch it certainly looks the darkest, even if I think I know where I’m going and how to get there. But my shadow is forcing me to stop before I enter into the darkness, even though she knew I would be angry at the obstruction and delay (as I would be too, in waking life).
Her shop (domain) was the auto garage, her business the repair and revival of sick and dysfunctional vehicles (drive and motivation). She blocked and stopped me from charging on with an emotional obstacle (her antiquated but nicely kept blue station wagon, half car, half truck, for ease and purpose of loading and unloading luggage and such). So, I still have some old emotional issues to examine, ones that I may not even think of as issues, or ones that I may need to transform from one state to another…
The woman, my shadow, was timid and nervous, even though she did what she had to do, as her ‘right’, she shrank from fully asserting herself. Yet she wanted me to know that it was her who blocked me, leaving me all the information so I could reach her. This was the paradoxical nature of Jennifer, the part of me that is self-conscious in public, yet yearning to be noticed and cherished as I am. A shy flower, but a flower that nevertheless wants to be adored. My dream from Tuesday brought me to the issue of my self-consciousness, the part that cripples me in public, perhaps this dream is the sequel that will help me understand and resolve this issue…
The screaming, raging self who can’t stand to be obstructed in any way by anyone or anything (I still have road rage, milder, but still there) is the part of me that introjected the part of my mother I couldn’t handle, in other words, I swallowed my angry, hysterical mother whole so that I became like her when something got in my hurrying way, as I got in hers when I was a child. And as a small child in front of this giant screeching terror, I was easily reduced to an animal frozen in the headlights, wanting desperately to escape being the target of wrath, yet wishing in my heart for the love and approval that I knew this same mother could give me.
I remember not so much the actual punishment I got from my mother, but more the grilling ‘interrogations’ that preceded. It didn’t take long for me to learn to anticipate what’s to come with the hour (more like minutes, often seconds) of judgment. I was the prisoner, caught red-handed for an offense, now brought before judge-and-jury-in-one, tried and convicted and executed with god-speed by god herself. So I learned that the crucial moment was when I was asked to pin the crime on myself, that I must think fast on my feet and come up with a convincing reason or lie to deflect the blame, otherwise pain and death (at least a part of me) is sure to follow. These were the moments when I was literally put on the spot, lit with spotlight or frozen in headlight, flooded with fright, and against all odds still looking for a way out. Being in the spotlight, at any rate, became a place of much anticipatory anxiety for me, whether it was leading up to a public presentation or an unpleasant confrontation. It almost doesn’t matter so much where it led up to, it was the anticipation that’s my undoing. This is what lies beneath my self-consciousness. What lies beneath that is that longing for unconditional forgiveness and acceptance.
And the anger and flying rage? That just disguises how fearful and uncertain I feel about not having complete control of the situation, as my young mother must have felt, powerless yet needing to keep up the appearance of power, of being right. The outburst of anger also prevents me from hearing what I most need to hear: wisdom and guidance. This was why in the dream I could not listen and scream into the phone at the same time; the ‘insulating’ glass jar was an invisible disconnect of my own doing, because I didn’t really want to face the fear behind the anger.
I had asked to heal my selfhood, but before I can get to my selfhood I have to cut through the layers of my rage and terror, to touch the tender wound of self-consciousness, and see the needy little child that I am, secretly and desperately longing for the love of her mother. And until I’ve fully experienced that love, I cannot give of that love, of a mother.